St Augustine's CE School

Hanson Lane, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX1 5PG

01422 360615

St Augustine's CE School

Learning for Life


We take great pride in being an inclusive school at St Augustine's.

Our SENDCO is Miss Lockwood who is supported by Mrs Lee and she can be contacted through the school office on 01422 360615.

We are working hard to ensure that all our pupils, irrespective of ethnicity, religion, social background, gender, physical ability, identity or additional education need achieve their potential. Difference is celebrated within all parts of school life. 

Sometimes, a child may need some extra help with their learning. This can happen at any point in their development. Additional help may be needed for a short period of time or sometimes for longer, depending on the individual needs. If your child needs some extra support, we may send you a letter to say that we would like to put them on the Special Educational Needs Register. This is a list, held in school by our SENDCO, of all the children who are receiving extra help in the classroom or from external agencies, for example the Speech and Language team.   

Your child will receive a special outcome plan to monitor their progress and these will be shared with and reviewed at parents evening. You may also be invited to come into school to discuss them with your child's class teacher and the SENDCO.

We always start from Quality First Teaching as a way forward for all our children. If these strategies don't work, we will then look at making any referrals to external agencies or putting some specific interventions in place. Sometimes, we may begin to gather evidence together for an Education Health and Care Plan if parents and school feel there are some significant developmental concerns.


Two important documents for reference are our school SEND Policy and SEND Information Report including details of the Local Offer. If you would like a paper copy of these documents, please ask at the office and we provide one for you. Alternatively you can download them here. 


 SEND and Inclusion Policy 2024.docxDownload
 St-Augustines-SEND-Information-Report-review spring 24.docxDownload
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